Once you get your sculpture you will need to think carefully about where you place it. Not in a very sunny or windy spot, you want your willow to be protected from drying elements if you can. It will have been treated with a wood preservative, usually 50/50 linseed oil and turpentine substitute mix applied with a mister sprayer ( my plant mister!) I would do this every 6 months to help give your sculpture a longer life, but always be aware of staining yourself and the area you spray over. Always read instructions carefully when using wood preservatives, I  do not hold any responsibility for your aftercare, it's only a suggestion.
Craft | Studi0ne | England | Bridport Musgrove Willows | Somerset Willow growers & suppliers Symondsbury Estate - Holiday Cottages, Weddings and Events Welcome to Artshed Arts | Artshed Arts Ltd Directions | River Cottage The Hay Barn (haybarnhealth.co.uk) www.haybarnhealth.co.uk You can book direct with me for The Swannery , Flowerdew Farm, The David Hall and enquire about private bookings here on this website. I also advertise on Craft Courses: Creative live workshops, online classes, kits & gifts NOVEMBER 2nd Leaping Hares Musgroves The Somerset Levels! 4th Pheasant or Flying Owl Musgroves Willow The Somerset Levels 7th Leaping Hare Studi0ne Bridport 10th Deer River Cottage 11th Deer Cottage Flowers, Jordans Courtyard, Ilminster-FULL 14th,15th & 16th Deer Symondsbury Estate, Bridport-FULL 21st Deer The Island Cafe & Nursery, Upwey, Weymouth -FULL 22nd Chickens Musgroves The Somerset Levels 24th Hares The David Hall, South Petherton-FULL 27th Deer River Cottage 29th Winter Wreaths, Kingcombe Centre Dorset DECEMBER 1st Deer River Cottage 6th Deer Musgroves Willow The Somerset Levels 7th Leaping Hares Musgroves Willow The Somerset Levels 8th Deer The David Hall South Petherton-FULL 11th Deer Studi0ne Bridport 13th Deer Musgroves Willow The Somerset Levels 14th Leaping Hare Musgroves Willow The Somerset Levels 19th Deer Halsway Manor ,Taunton JANUARY 2024 19th Leaping Hare The David Hall, South Petherton 20th Pigs Studi0ne Bridport FEBRUARY 16th Deer The David Hall South Petherton 29th Leaping Small Deer Studi0ne Bridport-limited MARCH 19th & 20th Mad March Hare Symondsbury Estate 23rd LeapingHares Cottage Garden Jordans Courtyard Ilminster 28th Easter Inspired Willow Wreaths and Upcycled Baskets Studi0ne Bridport APRIL 20th Deer The David Hall South Petherton 23rd Owls,Chickens Herons The David Hall South Petherton MAY 14th Pigs Symondsbury Estate 15th Deer Symondsbury Estate 20th Bees Cottage Flowers Jordans Courtyard Ilminster JUNE JULY 23rd Dragonflies Symondsbury Estate 24th Chickens Symondsbury Estate SEPTEMBER 24th Pheasants Symondsbury Estate 25th Flying Owls Symondsbury Estate OCTOBER 22nd Pigs Symondsbury Estate 23rd Leaping Hares Symondsbury Estate NOVEMBER 12th & 13th Deer Symondsbury Estate 16th Deer Cottage Flowers Jordans Courtyard Ilminster 19th & 20th Deer Symondsbury Estate